Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Morning Messages from October 21st - October 25th, 2019  

Monday, October 21st, 2019


Dear Students:

      A new week! 5 days to pack-in the learning and exploration of knowledge, and ever widening our understanding of life on Earth: Past, Present, and prospects for the Future!

     Last week we endeavored in such a variety of interesting aspects of our Learning Aims. We learned about and then greatly enjoyed visualizing how early inventions affected civilization. We went deep into facing what we know and don't kknow yet in Math. We explored stories, had coincidences with our stories, and used new words, or "old" words in new ways.

     What a special place we have here in Classroom 16!

     I am glad you are here.


           Mr. Stathis


Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019


Dear Students:

      A story is a journey, an exploration, an adventure or serious study, but whatever it may be, it is a widening of our experiences.

     We have begun a new story this week, one sure to be filled with much to expand our knowledge, and one enjoyable to be on the journey within.

     We're focusing on numbers in Math and we must become "Masters" of operations with numbers. Be determined to learn the processes, following those processes carefully, step-by-step in the direction I give you.

     Let's all commit to having the 'Joy of Learning' today, knowing that it will take self-control to experience it!


           Mr. Stathis


Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019


Dear Students:

      Life is interesting, isn't it?

     That's what School is all about: A place to come together and think about so much that is interesting, to feel new emotions about life and living and the lives of others and our histories, cultures, and how people care for one another.

     It is a place to learn the skills too, by which we will do something important with our lives!

     Be good. Be your BEST today.


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, October 24th, 2019


Dear Students:

      I will miss you today, because even for me, like you, "When you miss a day, you miss a lot!"

     Show the respect and honor to my Substitute that you show for me. Help make this day a great experience in the joy of learning for the Substitute and for your classmates.

     I want to be proud of you. I will be anxious to hear all about your day upon my return Friday.

     I greatly look forward to hearning or reading your stories that you write tonight.

     Be good, no, be GREAT!


           Mr. Stathis


Friday, October 25th, 2019


Dear Students:

      I am glad to be back among you. Our Classroom 16 is such an amazing place to be that one day gone from all we do together is like having a hole in your pocket and realizing you dropped your wallet somewhere!

     Well, back together now, we shall jump-in together, into all our continuing learning explorations, sharing of ideas, and deep feelings about important things, and for the challenges I present to stretch your "brain-power by the hour!"

     Let's go!


           Mr. Stathis